Monday, April 26, 2010

Easter is Fun!

Emmett really loves this holiday for one reason only-chocolate! It helps that Gramma and Papa came in town, too. His one request in all honesty was to "hug Easter". Yes, they have always been on a first name basis.
Yes, he not only got the hug, but we got the pic to show it...

The brunch at CTC offered face painting fun, too. The spider was probably not the best idea as later in the week he experienced night terrors and spoke the next morning of spiders. Maybe Thomas the Train next year?

Easter Bunny left Emmett Mr. Potato Head, which is an all time classic. Emmett felt the need to dance like he does, so who knew he was also a dancing potato?
I love Anya in the back watching the egg hunt in full force...Emmett seems pleased he is getting all the eggs and someone else is not...
Mine all mine...

Gramma and Papa know much Emmett loves anything that flies and brought him a very cool helicopter. He loves it and really wants to go on one next time we're in Hawaii. Maybe in 15 years.

Without further a due, here are some precious pics of our favorite spring time holiday.

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