Monday, October 19, 2009

Nap Time is Over

We gave up on Emmett napping months ago. He dropped it well before he was 3 and it took us a few months to finally accept he was done. Now we encourage "quiet time" or "down time" or simply tell him "you need to be alone".

As parents sense when their child really needs to rest after a long day, we explain to Emmett the importance of taking a break for the sake of everyone's sanity. Recently, we told Emmett that no nap/down time means he will be really cranky.

We just had a big weekend here in Seattle as our dear friends, Jason and Ashley, got married. Emmett was part of the festivities and rehearsal night, which means staying up late. We begged him to rest before the evening events and yet, he turns it on me...

He said, "Mommy, did YOU nap today?"

I replied, "No, I did not."

His response, "Then you're cranky!"

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