Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Busy, Busy Bees

I forgot to "blog" in November! My intention is to write about Emmett's life at least once a month, but this thing called "parenthood" keeps getting in the way. Whew--we are busy working parents and it is tough to find time for things we used to take for granted. I can see the temptation of opting out of activities and just laying on the couch when time permits. When it comes down to it we love the craziness of many balls in the air. Having our son makes it that much more of an enjoyable challenge to get the most out of life.

We're keeping up our workouts at least 2-4/week, which isn't bad, but not good enough to get rid of these last 8lbs. sitting around my abdomen area. In the last few months, what we love most in our lives is the Seattle Athletic Club daycare. Randy, Jenny and CC are a few new friends to the Arnold family. I've only been called off the elliptical machine once for the time when Emmett was constipated. Parenthood sinks in more and more every day especially when you hear, "Jodi Arnold, please come to daycare immediately. Jodi Arnold." Fortunately, my I-pod was not on too loud for me to rush to their rescue and abrubtly end my workout. Never knew how flexible I needed to be until now.

Humor is another component that has carried me through my days. When Emmett is screaming and crying for his milk or out of boredom or whatever, I've learned genuine laughing is the best response. Many times, it gets him to stop and smile. Emmett loves to smile and it's the greatest thing on earth. When Justin or I get really silly and excited, he goes bonkers and starts kicking and waving his hands in the air. Finally, we have a captive audience who thinks we're really funny and cool! It's the best.

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