Emmett had his first day of school on Thursday at Mary Lane's in Madrona. This was a sudden change and happened only 3 or 4 weeks ago. Mary was always our top pick from day one as Nanny raved about her and said "she would be the best fit for Emmett". Shortly thereafter, I find out Mary is in Penny's Book Club. Small world.
Mary and I spoke frequently and she simply had a full roster of boys. Thank god Mr. Michael dropped out last minute for family reasons and Mary called us right away. Anya and I drove over the next afternoon. We spent a few hours with Mary and fell in love with her school, her energy and just knew this was perfect for our boy.
On top of that, he has his dear friend, Ava in class with him. We're thrilled and know he will thrive in the upcoming year. Oh, and they teach the kids spanish, too. Mucho Gracias, Mary!
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