Friday, March 26, 2010


My dad loves to remind me of all the times I used to fire off lots and lots of questions. It usually had something to do with sports because I knew he loved them, so I was curious to learn why. I can vividly remember sitting in our family room on Cannonbury, dad is watching the Masters and I wanted to know, "what is an eagle?" or "what is par?" or "who is the golfer?" and "where is he from?" My dad would patiently answer every single question, but one or two times I recall being asked to do something else. Well, we're coming full circle and Emmett definitely is our inquisitive little boy.

Our neighbors are slowly building a fence right now. It's taking them longer than we prefer as we have to look at an unfinished project. Emmett asked James a few days ago, "when are you going to be done with the gate?" Yesterday, James was unloading the car with supplies and Emmett asked, "what are you doing with those things?" James replied, "building the fence". Emmett then wondered, "where did you get those things?" To which James added, "Home Depot". Emmett turned to me and asked, "mommy, did you and daddy make me there?" I have yet to see James crack a smile until yesterday and the laughter this brought our neighbor made him speechless with joy.

Where I struggle with all these questions is when it has to do with boy body parts. I don't have a penis and neither one of my siblings do either, so this is a foreign subject to me. Yesterday as we are driving home the car is silent and then all the way from the back I heard, "mommy, why does a penis grow?" The car didn't swirve or brake, but I was surprised and thrown off nonetheless. How do I explain this in 3 year old terms? Um, how? Help? Okay, here we go, "it grows because there is blood in it and sometimes it builds up before going down". He bought it! For now.

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