Sunday, December 09, 2007
So Much to be Thankful For

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Florence Fights Back
One day at daycare, Emmett was crawling all over Florence and not respecting her space. She sent a message and the picture tells the rest of the story. Interestingly enough, Emmett's biting has dramatically decreased and we have The Florence Revenge to thank.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Emmett's Second National Park
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Emmett's First National Park
Emmett visited his first national park in early October when his parents took him to Arches National Park in Southern Utah. Our family flew into Salt Lake City on Wednesday October 3rd to begin our trip to Telluride, CO for the wedding of Justin's cousin, CC Rocque. The drive down began in a rented 2007 Tahoe that had a built in DVD player. This turned out to be an adictive pass-time for Emmett as he enjoyed watching (over and over) The Wiggles, Bob the Builder and Thomas the Train. We spent two nights in Moab at the Rodeway Inn, which was our way of roughing it. We took the above photo on our way into Arches on Thursday the 4th. Our drive through the park was amazing and we all enjoyed a terrific 6 mile hike up to Delicate Arch.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Bathtime Beware
This is not a once or twice kind of deal, but more like every other bath. Imagine Justin and/or I standing by the tub crossing our fingers for a clean get away. Sometimes it's a success and others, we have to unload every bath toy for quaratine, scrub the tub, put Emmett back in for a second round.
How do you train a one year old to stop pooping in the tub? No How-to books cover this one!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Our blog is back
Highlights of summer 07 have been our visit with Jill, Beth and Henry that included a trip down to Cannon Beach, OR. Our 10-day midwest bonanza that had us covering MO, IL and IN during the hottest time of the year. A wonderful day trip in July to Port Townsend with Gramma Alex and Uncle John makes the list along with a last minute trip over to Montana to celebrate Emmett's 1st birthday with Papa, Nana Peggy and cousin Dominic. Emmett's 1st birthday solstice celebration was truly amazing as we had all of our wonderful friends and family over to sing his first ever, "Happy Birthday to You!" We felt so loved being surrounded by so many incredible people.
The one sna-fu of Emmett's party was Justin throwing his back out and unable to do a thing. Daddy was laid up and fortunately, we had the Oswick train in tow to make sure the party was a success. I don't know how we would've pulled it off without Amy, Pierce and Sarah.
We squeezed in a few picnics, experienced our first outdoor ZooTunes concert and decided to join the zoo after multiple visits. It's not the animals that grab EQA's attention, but all the kids running, screaming and having a ball. His favorite words as of late are "car" and "truck"; we never knew a 14 month-old could have so much to say. Sometimes he sounds Russian, other times Japanese and his specialty is some tribal language we labeled Farsee (thanks to Holly Overman's understanding of linguistics with baby boys).
There are lots of photos to share and I promise to upload them soon. Our stories and milestones will continue as our boy grows bigger and brighter every day.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Emmett Learns to Dance
Our Friends, the Oswicks, came into town and brought with them fun gifts to help Emmett get started exploring with cool stuff. So Emmett now rides his Battery Powered 4x4 with enthusiasm and smiles.
One of the highlights leading up to his party was an impromptu performance that Emmett gave to show off his dancing skills. Daddy was quick to run upstairs and grab the camera and catch the tail end of our little star:
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Game is Afoot
The activity does take its toll, as Emmett learned: he slept until 7am this mornning. We are so thrilled for Emmett - this is going to be our best summer ever!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Family Vacation to Iron Springs
Emmett's personality shines now and he thrills himself (and us) with life's simple pleasures. We celebrated Justin's 34th birthday with great meals on Friday and Saturday; Emmett's gift of sleeping from 7-7 both nights added to the good times.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Emmett's New Toy
Fellow PEPS parent friends, Mark and Katie, gracisouly lent out Kellen's toy now that he no longer uses it as he crawls and explores a new world on all fours. Emmett, however, carries a little extra weight and will probabaly take a little while longer to be strong enough to move on his own. The evening also marked the 10th anniversary when Jodi and Justin first met. My, my how time flies when you're having fun!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Tribute to Morgan
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Emmett & His Posse
Emmett grows bigger, sits up, babbles, "Da Da" and learns that new teeth hurt when they come in. January introduced Emmett to daycare 3 days a week and daycare introduced Emmett to kid-cooties. He has many new friends, loves to socialize (hmmm...where does he get that from?), and jumps around in his new favorite toy - the 'Jumperoo.' We hope that you enjoy this little montage of Emmett and his people in 2006.