Today is our 7 year anniversary and it's hard to believe! When I think back to all our memories only one word comes to mind-FUN! Okay, sure there were lots of highs and some downs, too, but overall, Justin and I had a blast through it all. It was just about this time a year ago (10/12/05 to be exact) that I discovered we were no longer living life just the 2 of us. The first sign from my body that something was different--my morning coffee tasted horrible and that is NEVER the case.
To celebrate our anniversary, Justin and I spent our first night away from Emmett. Grandma Alex and Papa John visited us this weekend and allowed us to break away. We checked into a swanky hotel, Hotel Max, and then hopped around different spots eating, drinking and talking about Emmett. We finally get our "big break" and sure enough, we can't stop talking about the new love of our life and "how cute he is".
Needless to say, Justin and I had such a blast: martinis and oysters at Oceanaire, apps at Dragonfish, Hot Mango Love at Suite 410 (it's a drink-grrrr) and then finally, sushi and sake at the hotel restaurant, Red Fin. Yay! The next morning we slept in, walked to Top Pot Doughnuts, read the paper and laughed about life, Emmett and this crazy thing called parenthood. My 'o my how things have changed in just 3.5 months! It's worth every single minute even when we're so sleep deprived we can't complete sentences and find ourselves putting the cereal in the fridge.